Ziro Music Festival – A Musical Extravaganza

The Ziro valley is the home to Apatani tribe. The Apatani tribe is famous for their hospitality and their love for music. The Ziro Music Festival gives an outlet to this penchant for music and the desire to have an organised music festival. The festival draws music lovers from distant parts of the country. It is an outdoor festival which is celebrated with a lot of energy and enthusiasm.

Apart from being a fertile opportunity to showcase the talents and music of North East, the festival also helps to promote tourism in the state. National and international artists like Lee Ranaldo, Steve Shelley, Louw Majaw, Sha’air n Func, Indus Creed, Peter Cat Recording Co, Menwhopause, Guru Rewben Mashangva, and Barmer Boys have been a part of the festival.

Along with a fantastic musical treat for four days, the audience also gets accommodation facility in camps near the venue keeping them near their favourite artists and sessions.

  1. Nice location – where ?

  2. Hello comment dixes

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